Supplement Material for the STTT 2018 paper on RV Competition

The manuscript entitled First International Competition on Runtime Verification – Rules, Benchmarks, Tools, and Final Results of CRV 2014 has been accepted for publication in Software Tools for Technology Transfer, a Springer journal.

Below is an abstract of the paper

The First International Competition on Runtime Verification (CRV) was held in September 2014, in Toronto, Canada, as a satellite event of the 14th international conference on Runtime Verification (RV’14). The event was organized in three tracks: (1) offline monitoring, (2) online monitoring of C programs, and (3) online monitoring of Java programs. In this paper we report on the phases and rules, a description of the participating teams and their submitted benchmark, the (full) results, as well as the lessons learned from the competition.

Supplementary material, that is the benchmarks and participant’s evaluation scripts on the Inria GitLab repositories available at:

Supplement Material for the TACAS 2011 paper

The Kaminsky DNS cache-poisoning attack (Parametric PRISM models) The generated rational functions (Kamisky DNS cache-poisining) Nonlinear Programming Models in Ipopt for Model Repair
Knuth Example Zeroconf Example

Supplement Material for the CAV 2011 paper

Flavio's Fenton Minimal Conductance Model written in matlab (Single Cell): Minimal Resistor Model written in matlab (Single Cell):  single_cell_mrm4V.m (E. Bartocci)
Global Optimal Linear Approximation Algorithm: optimalLinearApproximation.m segmentErr.m (R. Grosu, E. Bartocci)
Segmentation of Mode 1: mode1segmentation.m Segmentation of Mode 2: mode2segmentation.m
Segmentation of Mode 3: mode3segmentation.m Segmentation of Mode 4: mode4segmentation.m
1D Cable Comparison among the Minimal Resistor Model and the Piecewise MultiAffine Model:
Comparison with a Stimulus every 100 ms Comparison with a Stimulus every 160 ms:
Comparison with a Stimulus every 200 ms Comparison with a Stimulus every 310 ms:
Rovergene for Mac (64 bit for Matlab2009R updated) (Author G. Batt):
Model File for Rovergene: (Authors: E. Bartocci, G. Batt, Colas Le Guernic, R. Grosu): cell_model.txt
Simulator of Rovergene Cell Model: (Author: E. Bartocci): sim_cell_model.m
Analysis Results: analysis_result.txtKS_existsP.smvKS_forallP.smv

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